Reasons to Believe in Us, Discover Our Path
- 5,063 + Plants Succesfully Shipped
- 355+ Plant Varieties Sold
- 452+ Orders
- 863 + Satisfied Customers and Growing
- 42+ Countries Successfully Shipped to
- Years of Experience Skilled Farmers
The Advantages You Enjoy as Succulent Asia Reseller
- Get special offers and discounts of up to 20%.
- 100% guarantee
- Priority shipping
- Get priority access to our plant stock.
- Choose your plants freely through video calls with our customer service
- Free plant consultation (including care, maintenance, and discussion of current plant trends) once the plants are received.
- Save your time
- Easy ordering process
- No need a large capital investment.
- Freely to request your preferred shipping method.
This Program is Belongs to
- Succulent Plant Sellers
- Novice Resellers
- Seeking Additional Income
- Concerned About Stock
- Plant Sellers Always Seeking to Follow Trends
- Those Looking to Expand Their Market
Terms & Conditions
1. The prices listed on our website are retail prices, but you will get Reseller prices.
2. To see a wholesale price list, click the following link: https://resellerpricelistucculentasia
3. Reseller prices discounts up to 20% OFF
4. To get Reseller prices, the minimum order is just $500.
5. Make sure you have read and understand our company's terms and conditions by clicking the link below.
6. Customers/ buyers must have the necessary import permits.
7. Soft copies of import permits must be provided to us because import permit must be attached to the outside of package during shipping as a requirement of shipping worldwide.
8. There is a risk of damage or spoilage during shipping across nation. It is unusual to happen, but possible. The possibility of damage is a risk that must be known and borne by every buyer / customer
But, in the unlikely event that our plants arrived in a fully damaged due to delivery process, delivery errors by the courier or because of improper handling, you will be given two options for your fully damaged plants:
- Reship all of the fully damaged plants one time only to the costumers. Shipping cost are borne to the costumers. If there are further damages after reship, it is no longer our responsibility.
- Partial refund up to 50% from the total order (Exclude Phytosanitary Certificate fees and shipping costs)
9. If plant damage is purely our fault, we will take full responsibility of 100%
10. All possible problems will be resolved through a good communication, discussion, and negotiation.
11. A good communication is the best way to solve a problem, therefore dispute and claim issue in PayPal it’s not a good way to solve the problem.